Do you want to know where the money is? Check out the five highest paying jobs in South Africa.
If you are deciding on a career path, it might help you to learn more about your job prospects after you graduate or qualify to work in your chosen field.

Learning about the earning potential of your prospective profession can motivate you to work hard and sacrifice now. Now. Learning about the earning potential of your prospective profession can motivate you to work hard and sacrifice now.
In the video the “Top Highest Paying Jobs In South Africa” we look at which professions have the highest earning power.
1. Software Engineers – R1.2 million p/a
“Software engineers manage the design, development, and maintenance of software programs”. The software engineer profession is relatively new but its ranking proves that it is one of the country’s most important jobs.
2. Pilots – R695,800 p/a
Individuals must undergo many years of training and earn several licenses and certificates to qualify as a pilot. In addition1500 hours flight experience is one of the requirements for working at a commercial airline. However once a pilot is established at an airline they can rake in thousands of Rands per year.
3. Lawyers – R655,000 p/a
Traditionally lawyers have always featured at the top end of the salary scale. This is because individuals and businesses require expert legal representation to navigate current policies. Despite continuous social and economic changes these professionals are still in demand.
4. IT Managers – R620,230 p/a
IT managers are responsible for overseeing tech-related operations in the business. They are also expected to build more cost-effective and efficient systems to meet organizational needs. As our world becomes more digital, tech-based roles have increased in stature and value improving the financial rewards for professionals in these fields.
5. Medical Specialists – R616,000 p/a
A career in medicine is still one of the top paths to earning a good salary. While the salary can vary according to the type of specialization, for the most part specialists have huge earning potential. This is not surprising considering that it takes a minimum of nine years to train as a general practitioner while specialists must undergo “advanced education and clinical training”.