Yeisa Youth Employment Initiative South Africa
Yeisa is South African Youth non Profit Organization based in Durban operating in all parts of South Africa For Youth Job creation Opportunities.
Yeisa Job creation

The South African Youth Unemployment Crisis:
Young people have been disproportionately affected by unemployment, underemployment, vulnerable
employment and working poverty. Even during periods of robust economic growth, the labour market is often unable to assimilate large number of youth. In recent.
We need to ensure that resources, funding from Government and all stake holders and regulation are appropriate to allow the young generation to help itself.
Unfortunately, and despite good intentions, much of what could help to create more successful young entrepreneurs– such as loans, research funding, start-up schemes, and sometimes procurement and other systemic fiscal or regulatory barriers–seems to favors large, established corporations and institutions, not newcomers.
The Government and other bodies are stifling the lifeblood of our economies, and forgetting the pillars of tomorrow who are the young generations this urgently needs review and reform.
At the heart of this economic problem is a looming human tragedy.
Yeisa cannot allow ourselves to let down a generation that was born at the wrong time. Simplifying access to start-up opportunities and fostering entrepreneurship is essential and cost-effective.
It’s high time that the generation at the top turned political rhetoric and policy aspiration into the energy and decisive action needed to create the conditions for change, leading us from a “lost” to a “found” generation there for we call upon any company, Government, and all stake holder to help us in donation supporting us achieve our goals on youth unemployment to become youth Employment for all.
Youth Empowerment

Since 2018,YEISA has contributed to the development of Youth in the greater Durban area through our wide range of programs.
The Youth Team Has played a very big role in creating jobs among other youth by taking step forward through skills they have been given by YEISA.
Strategies for youth participation in Solution for Youth Employment projects.
To accelerate efforts towards diversified training through non-formal education including Entrepreneurship, Traversal social and economic skills, leadership social and academic skills to the youth for self employed creation and job placements.
To younger generations, it seems extraordinary that this generation, which seems to have gained so much, is leaving behind so little.
This same generation has overseen the greatest exploitation of natural resources in modern history, but has never taken the political and economic decisions to ensure that the planet can sustain future generations.
Its period of stewardship has ensured that those who are leaving the marketplace now will do so mostly in comfort and with extended years of life, while the generations behind must deal with the environmental “omnishambles”–unprecedented and unsustainable debt, an ageing population, and few economic prospects. It’s quite a way to leave the party.
youth unemployment effectively, immediately and with full attention seems to be not only economic folly, but moral bankruptcy.
When we talk about intergenerational solidarity, we must ensure that today’s young people can look to their futures with hope and expectation. Indeed, Yeisa have already started to recognize the need to address this problem and the importance attached to it.
Yeisa non Profit organization

To accelerate efforts towards diversified training through non-formal education including Entrepreneurship, Traversal social and economic skills, leadership social and academic skills to the youth for self employed creation and job placements.
At Youth Employment Initiative South Africa, we care about what we do and strive to empower the lives of youth in the Durban and South Africa Nation wide community through our wide range of programs.
We help shape our youth into young leaders of the future so they walk out of our doors prepared to take on whatever comes their way.
Making good-quality employment accessible to all young generations is essential for inclusive societies, for harnessing societies’ productive potential, and to confront the economic and fiscal challenges resulting from young population ageing.
At a time of significant labour-market transformation, more globalized and technologically advanced economies call for activation and employment support policies that minimize adjustment costs, help workers manage displacement risks and shorten jobless spells.
A suitable policy mix is also needed to support the acquisition of new skills, to facilitate career progression and to help those in precarious employment access more stable or better-paying jobs.
Over the long term, this early-career exclusion of youth in all activities becomes endemic and structural. Lower income and employment status increase the likelihood of poor lifestyle behavior’s and consequent illness, including diabetes and heart disease.
Broader social-economic factors also kick in, reducing not only the health prospects and productivity of this generation of young people, but also, eventually, those of its children.

Yeisa Empowering women
Empowering Young Women to Lead Change is an easy to follow resource as the only way designed to enable young women to prepare and facilitate them selves for a better future on a host of issues that are important to them.
A joint publication of the Yeisa Youth, was developed by young women and contains all ways on young women’s leadership, economic justice, HIV and AIDS, human rights, peace, self esteem and body image, sexual and reproductive health and Gender Based Violence GBV, violence against women and Children.
The issues are complex and has been developed for young women to lead themselves in learning more about the issues through fun and participatory activities and on to action.
Trainings and workshops
Trainings and workshops is to be designed using the entire manual or pulling out modules of interest for shorter sessions.
It was tested in in our organization and was working out for Yeisa organizations working with young women and youth.

There are many different definitions of gender-based violence (GBV). GBV can broadly be defined as ‘…the general term used to capture violence that occurs as a result of the normative role expectations associated with each gender, along with the unequal power relationships between genders, within the context of a specific society.’

Youth Need jobs As Early as Yesterday
Today’s generation of young people is absolutely massive in south Africa and half of the percentage are jobless:
Some young people are between ages 16 and 35. Most of them live in Sharks communities, often comprising a huge proportion of the population.
How well they navigate adolescence will determine not only the course of their own lives, but that of the Nation.
Yet too many youth are unable to participate fully in society, young people live on monthly grant, and over 70% are unemployed. For girls, the barriers to participation are even higher.
Young people today are entering the most difficult labour market in decades, with potentially tragic consequences for their lives and futures.
We are not just talking about a delay in finding meaningful employment–some of this generation will never make it onto the career ladder.
to little Of the youth have jobs
Those who do manage to find work after being unemployed will earn around 8% less and suffer weaker career progression across their whole working lives than peers who enter the workforce directly.
Again, a policy failure within our societies: once a gap emerges, it tends to be persistent and difficult to close, thus fueling a persistent cycle of poverty and inequality.
In addition to this, we ignore the fact that young people don’t just need jobs, but quality jobs that meet their needs. Creating labour conditions where overqualified employees work for little pay in low-skilled jobs is not a sensible answer.
This is important because, among young people who do find work, a shocking number of them are classed among the working poor–some estimate that there may be more young working poor than young unemployed.
Earning too little to maintain oneself or others, less than a living wage, is reminiscent of a bygone era. Unsurprisingly, it’s a source of immense frustration and resentment.
In the short term, the exclusion of young people from the labour market affects both individuals and societies tremendously.
Perhaps most importantly, it delays the onset of key steps into adulthood, such as living independently, marrying or moving in with a partner, and starting a family.
These are not just soft, social milestones–they are fundamental to health and well-being, and in themselves go quite some way to preventing mental health problems and exclusion.
Youth are Effective drivers of change
At a societal level, disenfranchised, excluded and hopeless young people contribute to unrest, crime, instability and a loss of faith in the ability of the “establishment” to recognize and provide for all our needs.
But when empowered and given the right opportunities, youth are effective drivers of change.
Yeisa partners with young people, helping them participate in decisions affecting them, and strengthening their ability to advance human rights and development issues such as health, education and employment.
Mainly in Job Creation network, how to stop gender based violence, how to deal about HIV Aids campaign.
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