Donate to South African small Business

Donate to South African small Business affected with the Looting unrest

How you can help get SA back on its feet: Support these charitable initiatives by donating to non Insured Business to re established.

Whether you want to volunteer your time, donate food or contribute cash, Any Donation In kind here is our organizations donation page that need your help to help those Small Business who are Non Insured to have what to start with to recover in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

Yeisa is Non Profit Organization With Tax Exemption Certificate qualified by South African Government To Get what ever Kind Of Donations to help the development of youth In Job Creations and what ever it takes to help communities’ in any kind of disaster. we are here to seek of your help in kind or money or services to help Small business whoare affected with the unrest looting in KZN and Gauteng where by no help with out Donations they will get since they have been not in any insurance company to compensates them.

Your Donation will be highly appreciated by making the Small business owners recover